Teach - Learn STEM By Solving Problems


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High School

High School STEM Subjects : JeeMathematics, JeePhysics, Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Statistics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry


Mathematics Subjects: Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Statistics, Linear Algebra, Finite Discrete Math, Differential equations, Complex Variables, Vector Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Topology, JeeMaths (Multiple Choice)


Science Subjects:  Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mechanics, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Genetics, Optics, Economics, Business Management, Psychology, and Operations Research, JeePhysics (Multiple Choice)

Technology & Engineering Plan

Engineering Subjects:  Electrical Circuits, Electronics, Electronic Communications, Automatic Control Systems / Robotics, Technical Design Graphics, Electromagnetics, Electrical Machines, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Transport Phenomenon, Strength of Materials and Machine Design.

How UteachSTEM works: Play Video

Each Subject provides solutions to approximately 1000 problems grouped by chapters. The problems are generic, diversified, appropriate for introductory and advanced courses. Each problem is worked out in step by step detail for full understanding of subject. Desired solutions can be found by checking the problems listed in each chapter. A FIND function helps locate solutions by keyword.

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